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Fibra_ottica_and_larga banda_un_esempio_a_livello_mondiale_05_11_2009
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Fibre optics and investment returns
The company ADTIM, subsidiary of the group Axione / ETDE [Groupe Bouygues] / ETDE Investissement / Eiffage, had been entrusted by the ADN organisation
with establishing and running the ADN broadband network throughout
the Ardèche and the Drôme, on the basis of fulfilling a public service.

Under the terms of a 25-year contract, ADTIM is responsible for the design, construction and operation of the network,
providing facilities for national and local telecommunications companies.

Axione, subsidiary of ETDE (Bouygues Construction),
specialises in the management of  Délégations de Services Publics (DSP)
in the development of broadband networks throughout the country.
ETDE, subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, coordinates technical developments and services, and deals with public and private clients in the fields of energy, industry, infrastructure, transport, environment and telecommunications.

Estimated investment returns (non-binding)

If a minimum 27% of the 372,000 homes in the area, ie about 100,000,
take up the "triple play" offer at a minimum estimate of 20€/month, (30$/month)
the annual turnover would be 100,000 x 20 x 12 = 24M€ (36M$).

Since the basic outlay by ADTIM is 73M€ (184M$),
the gross return on this investment would be realised in about 3 years.
Thus even on a minimum estimate the company would be making
a clear profit margin in the 5th or 6th year.

Consequently, contrary to the idea put about by certain representatives
of the wireless industries,
quite apart from the advantages of security and the exceptional quality of the service provided, the widespread installation of the fibre optic network,
even in difficult conditions, produces a substantial short term profit for both public and private investors, and does so without causing any environmental pollution.

Thus fibre optics are without any possible contradiction
the alternative to WiMax, WiFi and other sources
of artificial electromagnetic HF microwave radiation,
the primary cause of environmental pollution in the 21st century.



Fibre_optic investment 184 m dollars.j


Didier Guillaume, Prt General Council Drôme

- The network ADN (Ardèche Drôme Numérique)
"We are taking a gamble on the future by launching this project with a programme unique in France," declared Didier Guillaume,
The fibre optic network provides ultra high speed broadband connection (100 Mbps) without any signal loss due to distance. The objective is to have in place by July 2010 a fibre optic network that will enable more than 372,000 homes to connect, via the ordinary phone line through 213 switchboards, to a "triple play" service offering high speed and ultra high speed Internet, telephone and television.

The use of WiFi or WiMax antennas has been dropped altogether because of the dangers to human health from electromagnetic radiation, a salutary and enlightened decision that is a world first!








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"... As a result no new wi-fi or wi-max antennas
will be used to provide this coverage."

Didier Guillaume,
Senator, president of the Conseil Général de la Drôme,
is the equivalent of a state governor in the USA.

The whole population in the départements of the Drôme and the Ardèche
will be connected to broadband by fibre optics,
without any WiFi or WiMax antennas. 

It's a model for the world of what must be done,
it's an example to tell the world about




European Survey_Uk Version

In the face of the present unprecedented increase in artificial microwave radiation in the environment, there is a vital need to obtain up to date information as a basis for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of this radiation on people's health.

This questionnaire for the general public is easy to fill in and anonymous.
For it to be credible and representative it is essential for it to be circulated widely in Europe and worldwide so that we can amass the maximum statistical data.

Designed originally in a printed version by Dr Roger Santini, it has been updated so that people who live close to relay antennas can give the full details of their experience.
The statistics gathered from this enquiry will be sent anonymously to scientists
and health organisations for analysis and publication.

Please help circulate this questionnaire.



The answer for broadband:
Fibre Optics

Artificial EM radiation = 0

Optical Fibre Uk version


The basics:
An optical fibre is simply a guide for an optical wave that makes use of the refractive properties of light, with a core the width of a hair that is made of glass or plastic.

As the wave passes through the fibre it is modulated
so that it can carry a telecommunication signal.

In the Monomode type that carries a single propagation mode (beam trajectory), the core has a diameter of 9µm. This is used mainly for long distance signals and broadband.
The capacity of the fibre to transmit over long distances depends on its diameter.
The finer it is, the further it can transmit.

The Multimode fibre that carries several modes at lower speed has a diameter of 50/62µm. Recent technological advances make it possible to use this to carry broadband
over short distances (1km).

The core is surrounded by a sheath that in turn has protective cladding.
If a beam of light is projected into it at one end at the correct angle
it travels instantaneously to the other end with no (or very slight) loss of the signal
even if it goes round a bend, regardless of the distance.

However the signal shows an inevitable loss wherever there is a soldered join between fibres.

To find out more: Wikipedia

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- Part 1: a case study -


Fibre Optics 100 Mbs







Mechanised installation of PVC tubes to carry the optical fibres in a narrow trench cut
by a tracked vehicle with a hydraulic wheel that cuts through any road surface including concrete



The vehicle also has a conveyor system for removing the debris


The vehicle at work cutting a narrow trench for 2 PVC tubes to take the optical fibres


Refilling and levelling the trench with a protective layer of concrete

Feeder for the liquid concrete


Flatbed truck with the cable reels at the start of the work site 


Broadband network installation: trench-cutting vehicle with suction system

Trench cutting vehicle with suction system to remove debris

Remote-controlled hydraulic cutting wheel with suction system to remove debris


A suction nozzle follows the cutter to suck up the debris from the trench




The cutting edge of the hydraulic wheel showing its tungsten teeth


1 - The hydraulic cutting wheel at work


2 - Laying the PVC tubes and a green warning cable in the trench


3 - Refilling and levelling with a protective layer of concrete

Feeding in the concrete to level off the trench.




Soldering Optical Fibres

Fibre optique coupure et degainage

Preparing an optical fibre on a vice for soldering: cutting at a right angle and stripping the cladding from the core



Fibre optique soudure

Placing the two fibres to be joined in the holder between the welding electrodes (arc welding)
The protective metacrylate tube holding the sheath can be seen on the right.



Fibre optique visualisation sur ecran alignement pour soudure

Getting ready to solder: checking the alignment of the two hair's-breadth cores, which have been cleanly cut


Fibre optique visualisation et controle sur ecran soudure achevee

Checking the amount of signal loss after soldering.
The quality of a fibre optic connection is measured by the loss of signal transmitted expressed in dB.

The loss is caused by different factors:
the fibre itself, the soldered points, the various connectors and glitches (awkward bends in the fibre, etc)
There are 2 ways to check this:
- photometry, the simplest method, which indicates how much the loss is through a connection, but not the reasons for it.
 - reflectometry, a more complicated method that indicates also how long the fibre is and where the weak points are.


Fibre optique boitiers de rangement des manchons de soudures

Stackable holders for the soldered fibre ends



Fibre optique detail boitiers de rangement des manchons de soudures

Detail of a holder


Overall view of a sealed junction box for 3 optical fibres

Fibre optique vue globale boitier etanche de raccordement

Optical Fibre cable
Optical Fibre cable (up to 24 strands/multi-torons) with protective cover and shielding




- Part 2 to follow -
Dossier: Fibre optics, the solution NRA-ZO
(for reaching customers in more remote areas)









EMF average increase observed in urban area







Logo radiation RNI
Logo radiation RI Download (click)


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