Version Française (click) . . . . . . . . .
Deutsch Version (click)
Hundreds of thousands of people who are EHS are in danger,
it’s becoming a matter of life and death
The latest information of EHS from Vercors (France)
Photo: Some members of EHS are present at the extreme forest Saoû.
The authorities have in their possession explicit medical certificates [French version].
Therefore, this is a high health risk deportation. Everyone must take responsibility concerning the expelled EHS.
For the remainder of the "inevitable happened" nobody can say "I do not know."
EHS: Medical Certificates
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EHS forest Saoû photo, October, 13th 2010 8:53 p.m.:
Forest Saoû photo October, 14th 2010 4:47 pm : |
Drive to the new location more sheltered area of EHS Refuge White Zone of Vallon de Combeau (Vercors-France)
Martine, EHS extreme
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Laure 23 June 2010: to her mother who has been living in a cave since August 2009
Send a message of support to the EHS present at the demonstration in the forêt of Saoû (White Zone):
Access to the forêt of Saoû
Plan accss to the forêt of de Saoû
Public health and EHS:
A good outcome for the crisis is possible
Philippe, member of the action group ‘Une terre pour les EHS’ (‘A Safe Space for the EHS’)
Consultative Meeting with the Conseil Général [regional council] of the Drôme in the Forêt de Saoû
Rodger, member of the action group
‘A Safe Space for the EHS’: ‘A Space for Survival’
Present at the meeting, from left to right:
Patrick Royannez, Vice-President of the Conseil Général in charge of environment, taking the place of Didier Guillaume,
President of the CG; Laurent Trouillet, Director of Environment in the Conseil Général ; Daniel Gilles, Mayor of Saoû;
Olivier Hahn of the action group ‘Robin des toits’ (‘Robin Hood of the Roofs’); Philippe Tribaudeau and other representatives
of ‘A Safe Space for the EHS’; Serge Sargentini from Next-up Organisation
Serge Sargentini (Next-up Organisation) made an urgent request to Patrick Royannez (CG) to plan
a working session
of the Conseil Général based on the latest report from the Assemblée Nationale and the Sénat by
[the Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Choices in Scientific and Technical Matters ] presided by Alain Gest, député,
which mentions the problems of the EHS a number of times.
For example page 176 and page 193 §1-2:
"Apart from the scientific and medical assessments, which at present conform to the orientations decided by the WHO during
the working session held in Prague in 2004, the second phase deals with the means by which those people who declare themselves
to be EHS can benefit from care and necessary support from society.
In this respect it is appropriate to plan for the payment of subsidies to the EHS action groups.
The overall management of the problems posed by the EHS should combine these different factors.”
Page 217: The report provides the following explanations:
- The people who claim to be electrohypersensitive do have genuine symptoms, even if these are not the same as cancer symptoms;
Video report interviews (French) : click
Report on the press conférence
Opening of the press conference by Philippe Tribaudeau of the group Une terre pour les EHS
From left to right: Daniel Gilles, Mayor of Saoû; Patrick Royannez, Vice-President of the Conseil Général of the Drôme
and responsible for the environment, taking the place of Didier Guillaume, President du CG; Philippe Tribaudeau of the group
‘A Safe Space for the EHS’; Michèle Rivasi, member of the European Parliament; Serge Sargentini of Next-up Organisation
Daniel Gilles, Mayor of Saoû, was very proud that the Forêt de Saoû, a protected natural area,
is also a White Zone [free of any radiation].
Patrick Royannez (Vice-President of the Conseil Général and responsible for the environment, taking the place of the President)
expressed his support and his awareness of the significance of the health factors, but pointed out in a letter
sent to the group ‘A Safe Space for the EHS’ the regulations that apply to the protected natural area of the Forêt de Saoû.
Michèle Rivasi, member of the European Parliament, expressed support for the action and proposed setting up in every
département a White Zone where the EHS could go to restore themselves. She agreed with the comment of Patrick Royannez
of the Conseil Général, which owns the Forêt de Saoû, that it was not possible to continue the action in the long term in
a protected
area open to the public. On some days there could be more than two thousand people in the area, and therefore a great many mobile phones!
Serge Sargentini of Next-up Organisation declared that the organisation considers this action to be a salutary wake-up
call in favour of public health, consequently the organisation was supporting the legitimate claims expressed
and was covering the news of the action in real time.
A coordinator of the organisation read out a sample of the hundreds of messages of support (below).
Hello, Having been EHS for more than 10 years, I understand your action. Most of our fellow citizens don’t feel anything because they are not aware of their own cellular metabolism. Even worse, they don’t object to being irradiated. Will we have to wait until they get sick in their millions before the public health authorities take any action? |
Send a message of support to the EHS present at the demonstration in the forêt of Saoû (White Zone):
Rodger of the group Une terre pour les EHS, overcome with emotion, had the last word:
“For the EHS, it’s a fight for life. Close companions have left. It is time to do something.”
25 06 2010 Interview Isabelle EHS
Living in Spartan conditions far from the irradiation of artificial microwaves
Isabelle and Odile EHS with Michèle Rivasi
Laure explaining to Patrick Royannez the case of her mother Anne, extremely EHS,
who has been living in a cave for almost a year in order to get away from artificial microwave irradiation!
Bernard EHS with Michèle Rivasi
The EHS show themselves to the world
The EHS show themselves to the world
Action: Dealing with the news on the spot
On the spot : Transfer and details of the operation, in less than an hour the broadcasts will be happening,
thanks to a high-speed connection – wired !
Rodger at his workplace
Appeal of 23 June 2010 (in French)
The Forêt de Saoû, a protected natural area
Sign: Refuge Zone for the EHS
Forêt de Saoû, White Zone, protected natural area, visitors turn off your mobile phones
EHS in the area, thank you
Car park occupied by the EHS
Isabelle final version of the Appeal of 23 June 2010
Hundreds of thousands of people who are EHS are in danger, it’s becoming a matter of life and death
23 June 2010 Demonstration for public health
Send a message of support to the EHS present at the demonstration in the forêt of Saoû (White Zone):
Envoyer un message de soutien aux EHS présents à la forêt de Saoû :
Schicken Sie den EHS, die zur Zeit an der Aktion im Wald von Saoû (Zone Blanche)
beteiligt sind, eine Nachricht:
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